What Does VoIP Caller Mean?

VoIP Caller meaning? What Does VoIP Caller Mean? You are probably seeing more VOIP CALLER or VOIP come up on your phone's screen.  VoIP Caller meaning? It is the Caller ID identifying your incoming call as a call made over broadband internet connection instead of the older phone lines. [...]

By |2023-10-31T10:55:50-04:00October 26th, 2021||Comments Off on What Does VoIP Caller Mean?

Can I use my work VoIP phone at home for remote work?

Can I use my work VoIP phone at home for remote work? Our clients love the ease of portability MetroConnect offers with their Telephone Systems. We know that our customers, whether they're in an office or are doing remote work from home, are always looking for a phone system to provide them and [...]

By |2023-10-31T15:12:29-04:00August 28th, 2020|, , |Comments Off on Can I use my work VoIP phone at home for remote work?

I have heard that VoIP telephone systems’ sound is not as clear as a land line is that true?

 VoIP telephone systems provide the same sound clarity as your regular land line.  Please call our office and speak to our staff member.   Hear for yourself the clarity on our lines.  Our office  has been on a hosted VoIP Telephone System for the last 14 years. Call us from different phone extensions, devices [...]

By |2021-10-26T13:49:26-04:00August 22nd, 2016|, , |Comments Off on I have heard that VoIP telephone systems’ sound is not as clear as a land line is that true?

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